January 12, 2013


Most of the time I look around and see greatness.  I see kind people.  I see others trying.  I love my neighbors and I am aware of blessings.  And then, sometimes I have trouble seeing.  sometimes I think small.  I forget.  forget all that I know.  I forget how good God isThis video reminds me.  Reminds me that I have a choice.  Reminds me that I might be blind to what is trueThank you President Uchtdorf for reminding me to look.


  1. Thanks for sharing the video, Kandee. My heart went out to the man who stayed in his room, not enjoying the food and festivities, because he didn't have money to pay for them, only to find out it all would have been free. I feel that I, too, have often lived below my privileges. I pray that I will more fully partake of the abundance God has made available to us. Help me to see!

  2. Gail. I am grateful for your comments! Together we can continue to look and hopefully see all that God so freely offers. Thank you.


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